A 4 session “virtual” telecourse* that you can take in any time zone and at your convenience! August 20, 27 & September 3, 10 Thursday evenings Each year, we begin again. We journey back to our Source, our selves, our souls. The high holy day period is one in which we turn ourselves around. We remember who we are. Each year, we have the Continue Reading
Mindfulness Shabbat: Ushering in Elul, the Jewish Month of Reflection
please join us for a morning of mindfulness and music Saturday August 15, 2015 9:30 am - 11:30 am private home in West Los Angeles, CA (address given upon registration) With Rabbi Jill Zimmerman featuring musical artist Ariel Root Wolpe Last month, we had a truly beautiful morning of peace, centering and deep discussion focused around the still small Continue Reading
New Jewish Mindfulness Classes May 2015 Los Angeles
Meditation & Mindfulness Through a Jewish Lens Three Monday evenings 7 pm - 8:30 pm West Los Angeles CA (location at sign-up) May 4 • May 11 • May 18 Specific Jewish meditation practices will be taught and time to sit. We will incorporate Jewish teachings as well as poetry and music. $72 (limit: 15 people) For info: Rabbi Jill Zimmerman Continue Reading
“How is Your Heart?”
I recently read a lovely teaching about the "disease of being busy" by Professor Omid Safi from Duke University. He wrote that when asked "how are you?" so many of us reply with choruses of "I'm so busy...I'm crazy busy...so much going on..." He shared that there is a Persian and Islamic custom that instead of asking "how are you" one asks "how is your Continue Reading
Lovingkindness (Chesed) Practices and Resources
Judaism holds that the world was built with chesed (lovingkindness) We read in Psalms: Olam Chesed Yibaneh עוֹלָם, חֶסֶד יִבָּנֶה (The world is build with chesed*) Psalm 89:3. Our entire world is not only built with chesed but continually sustained our acts in the world. A few weeks ago, in our Hineni community, I taught a beautiful practice that I Continue Reading