Jewish Meditation & Mindfulness Books (*highly recommended) *Meditation App: I use Insight Timer (available on the Itunes & Android app store.) See you there! Bloomfield, Diane. Torah Yoga: Experiencing Jewish Wisdom Through Classic Postures. Jossey-Bass, 2004. *Boorstein, Sylvia. That's Funny, You Don't Look Buddhist: On Being a Faithful Jew and a Continue Reading
Lovingkindness (Chesed) Practices and Resources
Judaism holds that the world was built with chesed (lovingkindness) We read in Psalms: Olam Chesed Yibaneh עוֹלָם, חֶסֶד יִבָּנֶה (The world is build with chesed*) Psalm 89:3. Our entire world is not only built with chesed but continually sustained our acts in the world. A few weeks ago, in our Hineni community, I taught a beautiful practice that I Continue Reading
Are You Ready? A Roundup of Elul Inspiration and Resources #BlogElul
The Hebrew month of Elul begins one month before Rosh Hashanah (in 2013, that means it begins August 7.) For some, the High Holy Days represent a time to gather with family and friends, eat apples and honey and wish each other a Happy New Year. For others, the High Holy Days, and the 30 days surrounding them can be a profound endeavor in soul searching, Continue Reading
Connecting with Breath and Spirit
Every living being breathes. From our first breath to our last, we are given this unasked-for gift. Our breath arrives for us each moment like a miracle. And then our bodies answer, with our exhale out into the universe - letting go, releasing a bit of who we are to the All. It is the single biggest bestowal of our lives and one that we most often take Continue Reading
Blessing Practice
As we begin to turn toward the season of forgiveness, for ourselves and others, there are several practices, we can learn that help soften our souls. One beautiful (and effective) practice that helps us cultivate compassion in and for ourselves and for others is called Blessing Practice (or Lovingkindness Practice). My teacher Sylvia Boorstein teaches about Continue Reading