Tonight we light the 4th candle of Chanukah. Our discussion question tonight should be fun! What four foods are comforting to you (bring you light). They don’t *have* to be Chanukah food, but if that is what comes to mind, all the more perfect. To be honest, when I am under stress, I lose my appetite, and thankfully my husband will remind me to eat and Continue Reading
Artwork of all sorts to inspire presence and mindfulness.
Chanukah Night #3: Music & Poetry
Tonight we light the 3rd candle. The question is: What 3 musicians, poets or artists inspire you? This past year, I have depended on music and poetry. Here are mine. I hope you will add yours in the comments. I could name so many but here are my top three: 1) Batya Levine whose music is so deep. This year, at our first-ever Path With Heart High Holy Continue Reading
Increase the Light
Tonight we light the 3rd candle of Hanukkah. The story of Hanukkah is that even in the darkest of times, we make light. The tradition is that we light a new candle for each of the 8 nights of the holiday, thereby increasing the light each night. The rabbis understood that light was not just the physical light that we see with our eyes. There's an inner Continue Reading
Chanukah 2018, Third Night Is About Inspiration
Tonight we light the 3rd candle. The question is: What three musicians, poets or artists give you inspiration? My 3 are*: 1) Chava Mirel whose voice and soul touches mine very deeply. Her inner light shines through all she does. I just love this woman. 2) Slow Meadow - I discovered his music on InsightTimer as a meditation & was so moved that I Continue Reading
The Year of New Vision (updated for 20/20)
(Note: I wrote this in January of 2018. Since we have now entered 2020 - the year of "perfect vision" - I thought it was good to re-visit. My friend and amazing poet Devon Spier and I co-wrote the poem/meditation at the end.) The Back Story At first, I thought my clouded vision meant that I needed new glasses. Or maybe my eyesight was blurred because of Continue Reading