Tonight we light the 6th candle of Chanukah. The question today is: What six gifts have you received that have lit up your life? However you want to define “gift” is fine. Here are mine: A Gift From My Mother-In-Law Pearl z''l. One day, when my mother-in-law Pearl z’’l was visiting us in Seattle, she came with me on an errand. As I parked to go into Continue Reading
Chanukah Night #5: Books & Movies
Tonight we light the 5th Chanukah candle. Here's tonight's question: What are 5 books that have been influential or made a difference to you this year? This year, my selections represent the kind of learning and comfort I needed including a tv series that was a welcome distraction. Here is my list for this year: Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent Continue Reading
Chanukah Night #4: Comfort Foods
Tonight we light the 4th candle of Chanukah. Our discussion question tonight should be fun! What four foods are comforting to you (bring you light). They don’t *have* to be Chanukah food, but if that is what comes to mind, all the more perfect. To be honest, when I am under stress, I lose my appetite, and thankfully my husband will remind me to eat and Continue Reading
Music For This Moment – COVID-19 Playlist
Music is one of the things that so heals the soul - a universal language that touches us in places that words alone cannot. I have always loved different kinds of music and so as I sat listening to the evening news, disheartened and feeling a bit of panic - I started thinking about what piece of music would be uplifting. I was looking for music for this Continue Reading
Chanukah 2018: 7th Night is About Gratitude
Tonight we light the 7th candle of Chanukah. The question tonight is: What are 7 things for which you are grateful? Each awareness of gratitude is a vehicle for light flowing into our lives. Here are mine (not in order): The ability to learn and gain knowledge and having the good fortune to study with amazing teachers. Living in Southern Continue Reading