You may be challenged to find gratitude when the world is burning. Our greatest spiritual teachers encourage us to find gratitude in even the smallest things. This practice builds our resilience and endurance so that we won't be consumed by grief and fear. As we come to the sixth night of Hanukkah, with the increasing light, it reminds us to be grateful Continue Reading
Being Grateful this Hanukkah – Night 7
Hanukkah is a Festival of Lights at the darkest time of the year. We are grateful for illumination that abundantly lights our way even at the darkest of times. You may be challenged to find gratitude when the world is burning. Our greatest spiritual teachers encourage us to find gratitude in even the smallest things. This gives us resilience and Continue Reading
Hanukkah Night #8: for what are you grateful?
On this eighth and last night of Hanukkah, our question is about gratitude: for what eight things are you grateful? Gratitude is a spiritual practice. Being grateful keeps our spirits lit up throughout the year. Even when times are bleak, and perhaps especially when our spirits are weary, opening our eyes to the gifts that surround us is a balm for Continue Reading
Hanukkah Night #7: Grateful
Tonight we light the 7th candle of Hanukkah. All throughout this holiday, we have been collecting the ways we actively bring light into our lives, or how we recognize the light. Every night we light one more candle, following the principle of gradually increasing the light (Talmud, Shabbat 21b:5) The experience of being grateful fills us with light. Continue Reading
Chanukah Night #7: Grateful
Tonight we light the 7th candle of Chanukah. The question today is: For what 7 things are you grateful? Here are mine (not in order): Creativity - the constant flow of ideas and projects that stimulate and give me a zest for life. This takes the form of putting lesson plans together or knitting or gardening or taking photos. Creativity is like a Continue Reading