Tonight's guest post was written by Rabbi Oren Postrel, a friend and colleague. On this seventh night of Hanukkah, he talks about how we find joy in Jewish study and learning. R. Jill The Path With Heart community continues to kindle the bright flames of Hanukkah. Over the past seven nights, we have looked at Dedication/Hanukkah, Hope/Tikvah, Gratitude, Continue Reading
Hanukkah Night Four: Miracles
Tonight We Light Four Candles. The holiday of Hanukkah's primary symbol is the miracle of light. In the second century BCE, the army of Antiochus IV Epiphanes desecrated the ancient temple. A small army of Jews, led by Judah Maccabee, regained the temple, they wanted to rededicate and purify it. They found a tiny bit of oil to light the lamps, which Continue Reading
Hanukkah Night Two: Increase Your Light!
Yesterday, we reflected on how the Hanukkah candles inspire us to seek light in our lives. Tonight, we shift our focus to the idea of increasing our light, bringing warmth and brightness into the world that sorely needs it. Lighting the Hanukkiah (Menorah) each night for eight nights is the central ritual of Hanukkah. We add a new candle each night, Continue Reading
The Joy & Miracle of Learning: Hanukkah – Day 8
Tonight's guest post is written by Rabbi Oren Postrel, a friend and colleague. On this last night of Hanukkah, he talks about how we find joy in Jewish study and learning. R. Jill The Path With Heart community continues to kindle the bright flames of Hanukkah. Over the past seven nights, we have looked at Dedication/Hanukkah, Hope/tikvah, Gratitude, and Continue Reading
Miracles All Around You: Hanukkah. Night 4
Tonight We Light Four Candles. Hanukkah is a celebration of miracles. There are several: the first is that during a time when the ancient temple was desecrated, a small quantity of oil that was only enough to last one night, actually burned for eight nights. Another is the miracle that a small band of Jews was able to defeat the much mightier Continue Reading