The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah occurs in the darkest time of the year on the 25th night of the Hebrew month of Kislev. In 2024, the first night of Hanukkah is Wednesday, December 25th. Our theme for this year's Hanukkah is "Bring Your Light." Sign up for our Hanukkah emails, which you will receive in your inbox each day. Click here. (Yes, there Continue Reading
The Call That is Answered by Presence
Our foundational narrative of moving from slavery to freedom begins with waking up and becoming present. In this week’s Torah portion, Moses tends his sheep in the wilderness, and he notices a bush that is on fire but not being consumed. The beginning of our liberation always starts with waking up. This week's Torah portion - Shemot - prefaces our Continue Reading
Hanukkah Night #6: What Helps You Stop & Rest?
Tonight we light the 6th candle of Hanukkah. And it is also Shabbat, the day of rest. We light the menorah first, and then our Shabbat candles. The question for tonight is: Can you name 6 things that help you rest or stop or take a needed breath? As my teacher Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg teaches about the Sabbath - "Pausing is not an option. Pausing is Continue Reading
The Year of New Vision (updated for 20/20)
(Note: I wrote this in January of 2018. Since we have now entered 2020 - the year of "perfect vision" - I thought it was good to re-visit. My friend and amazing poet Devon Spier and I co-wrote the poem/meditation at the end.) The Back Story At first, I thought my clouded vision meant that I needed new glasses. Or maybe my eyesight was blurred because of Continue Reading
Remembering What is Important
If there is anything the events of the past few months have taught us, it is that every day is a precious gift. We never know what is around the corner - pain or joy or both. How do we remember what is important? Many of us are bone-tired, whether from the endless political battles, personal traumas, profound natural disasters, and the resulting Continue Reading