Jewish Meditation & Mindfulness Books (*highly recommended) *Meditation App: I use Insight Timer (available on the Itunes & Android app store.) See you there! Bloomfield, Diane. Torah Yoga: Experiencing Jewish Wisdom Through Classic Postures. Jossey-Bass, 2004. *Boorstein, Sylvia. That's Funny, You Don't Look Buddhist: On Being a Faithful Jew and a Continue Reading
Practicing Self-Compassion Daily
We live in a world that can batter our fragile souls. Harsh words, outright violence, destruction, suffering... We all need a safe place to return, to receive kindness, hugs, and comfort. We seek out people who see the best in us, bring compassion to us when we are hurting or ill. For some of us, it's easy to give love to others. What's the climate Continue Reading
Lovingkindness (Chesed) Practices and Resources
Judaism holds that the world was built with chesed (lovingkindness) We read in Psalms: Olam Chesed Yibaneh עוֹלָם, חֶסֶד יִבָּנֶה (The world is build with chesed*) Psalm 89:3. Our entire world is not only built with chesed but continually sustained our acts in the world. A few weeks ago, in our Hineni community, I taught a beautiful practice that I Continue Reading
Blessing Practice
As we begin to turn toward the season of forgiveness, for ourselves and others, there are several practices, we can learn that help soften our souls. One beautiful (and effective) practice that helps us cultivate compassion in and for ourselves and for others is called Blessing Practice (or Lovingkindness Practice). My teacher Sylvia Boorstein teaches about Continue Reading