We continue with this week’s kavannah (intention), which is: Being In The Unknown In yesterday's Omer reflection, we talked about the courage to “hang out” in the unknown. Today, we share a story about the feelings that can emerge when we inhabit a place of not knowing. We were at the very first retreat as part of the 6th cohort of the Rabbinic Continue Reading
Rabbi Jill’s Meditation & Mindfulness Booklist
Jewish Meditation & Mindfulness Books (*highly recommended) *Meditation App: I use Insight Timer (available on the Itunes & Android app store.) See you there! Bloomfield, Diane. Torah Yoga: Experiencing Jewish Wisdom Through Classic Postures. Jossey-Bass, 2004. *Boorstein, Sylvia. That's Funny, You Don't Look Buddhist: On Being a Faithful Jew and a Continue Reading
Standing Up and Sitting Down For Our Lives (and for Shabbat)
By Rabbi Cindy Enger Rabbi Cindy Enger participated in our “Mindful Journey Through Shabbat” a few weeks ago. She wrote this upon returning home to Chicago. Her beautiful insights are not only about the total’s day experience and what it takes to “clear the space” to spend a day on retreat, but also about Rabbi Sheila Weinberg’s teaching about a Continue Reading
Mindfulness, Poetry, Prayer and Song to Open Hearts
At our beautiful all-day retreat last Shabbat, "A Mindful Journey Through Shabbat" we did a morning of chant/kavannah/music/silence. As leaders, we chose several key prayers (only a few) from the morning Shabbat service and went deeper into each one. For example, we started with Modah/Modeh Ani, which means "Grateful/Thankful am I" and offered a brief Continue Reading
A Mindful Journey Through Shabbat: One-day retreat
Saturday January 18, 2014 9:30 am - 6:30 pm at Leo Baeck Temple, West Los Angeles $125/person including lunch (special price for Leo Baeck Temple members - see registration link) Please join us for an all-day retreat that will open your heart and feed your soul. Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg and Rabbi Myriam Klotz are inspiring teachers and pioneers in Continue Reading