Yesterday, we reflected on how the Hanukkah candles inspire us to seek light in our lives. Tonight, we shift our focus to the idea of increasing our light, bringing warmth and brightness into the world that sorely needs it. Lighting the Hanukkiah (Menorah) each night for eight nights is the central ritual of Hanukkah. We add a new candle each night, Continue Reading
Increase the Light: Hanukkah – Day 2
Lighting the Hanukkiah (Menorah) each night for eight nights is the central ritual of Hanukkah. We add a new candle each night, thereby increasing the light. The lighting of the candles on the Hanukkiah is symbolic of a miracle: A long time ago, when there was only enough oil to last one night, but it ended up (miraculously!) lasting eight nights In Continue Reading