High Holy Day Soul-Work, Part 2 The overarching theme of the High Holy Days is acknowledging brokenness and seeking wholeness. In last week's blog post, I wrote about how essential it is for each of us to “do our own soul work” during the month of Elul, the month that precedes Rosh Hashanah. Several core stories provide the metaphors we need on this Continue Reading
Elul Reflection: From Pain to Miracle; Part 3
High Holy Day Soul-Work We have the entire month of Elul (which precedes the Jewish High Holy Days) to do the essential soul reflection necessary to make this time meaningful. When we take this month seriously, a transformation of our very selves is possible. The fundamental journey at this time of year is one from brokenness to wholeness. Do any parts Continue Reading
Prepare Your Soul For The High Holy Days, Part 1
In the waning days of summer, when you want to hang on to every last moment, there is another fragrance that begins to enter your consciousness. The wafts of the High Holy Day season reach you at your outer edges. In the middle of planning one last summer excursion, you may remember that you have to make additional plans. Soul plans. Each and every Continue Reading
Day One: Journey of the Soul: Making the Omer Count 2019
DAY ONE* (begins Saturday evening April 20, 2019, after sundown) Welcome to the first day of the journey. This week’s kavannah (intention) at the journey's beginning is Waking Up. Every journey begins with a call: the moment when we become aware. Whether the “call” is internal or external, quiet or quite loud, there are moments in our lives when Continue Reading
truth that cleanses: a poem-prayer #MeToo
A prayer-poem I wrote after reading and listening to the stories being uncovered now, some being told for the first time. When the truth is revealed, healing can begin. It's not always easy to listen, but we all need to develop the courage to keep opening up, sharing, and listening. The process includes healing the parts of ourselves closed down because we Continue Reading