The Path With Heart Community is an innovative alternative Jewish community. We are an accessible, warm, & welcoming community that believes in the modern application of ancient principles laid out in the sacred texts of Judaism.
What We Do:
- Hineni Virtual Jewish Mindfulness Spiritual Community with weekly Torah Study, Fiber Arts, and Shabbat and bi-monthly educational sessions. We have harnessed the power and possibility of using online meeting opportunities to explore the depths of Judaism with an international membership.
- High Holy Day Alternative Non-Traditional Services which allow all who are interested to celebrate.
- Multiple Courses throughout the year are open to all who are interested. These courses include but are not limited to Introduction to Judaism, Spiritual Prep for High Holy Days, Journey Through the Omer, and Mindfulness in Summer
- Specialized sessions pertinent to what is happening in the world such as Jewish Views on Healing
- Contemporary Jewish Spiritual Practices are shared through downloadable resources created by staff.
- Special Guests are invited to enhance learning opportunities and celebrations
- Social Activism: Member of The Jewish Partnership for Democracy
How We Do It:
All Path With Heart Community and Hineni events are welcoming, creative, and inclusive spiritual experiences that open hearts and help to build community. We have built a community that is accepting, loving, and supportive which can be seen in interactions during sessions and services.

Our Leadership

In 2011, Rabbi Jill Berkson Zimmerman founded Path With Heart Community (formerly the Jewish Mindfulness Network), as well as an online subscription-based community, Hineni: Your Path To Presence, both of which are considered to be trailblazers in the virtual Jewish community.
Rabbi Jill is a popular Rabbi-at-Large and scholar-in-residence who teaches spiritual approaches to core Jewish holy days and holidays; officiates at Jewish lifecycle events such as weddings, baby namings, and funerals; and provides personalized spiritual guidance and teaching to individuals. Learn more about Rabbi Jill.