What if “not knowing” is more important than "knowing"? For many of us, our identity is wrapped up in “what we know." What if real wisdom is being open to what you “do NOT know”? We spend so much time in our early years acquiring knowledge so that we can be “experts” in our chosen fields or endeavors. This is not a bad thing in and of Continue Reading
Resources to Help in Times of Conflict
Blog posts, teachings, and other recommended resources for coping with crisis during difficult times from Rabbi Jill Zimmerman.
Lovingkindness Practice for Self & Others
Love is on my mind today. Love of others and love of ourselves. Two issues arise again and again when I teach about lovingkindness and mindfulness: the lack of self-compassion and the lingering hurt in relationships. Luckily, there is a lovingkindness mindfulness practice you can learn that addresses both. Self-Compassion In terms of self-compassion, Continue Reading