The month of Elul in which we do the spiritual preparation necessary for the upcoming High Holidays begins SUNDAY September 3. There are so many ways to begin "dusting off" our souls. When we do, we join with people all over the world who are entering the river of reflection. I published this article on Medium that begins with a Rebbe Nachman teaching Continue Reading
Mindfulness Practice & Tisha B’av
Although this piece takes off about a particular commemoration in the Jewish calendar, I am certain that the lessons are universal. This article was originally published in a collection honoring the retirement of my meditation teacher, Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg. (FYI — Tisha B’av is what’s considered a minor holiday, and a day of mourning.) YET — because Continue Reading
Returning Home: Spiritual Preparation for the High Holy Days
A 4 session “virtual” telecourse* that you can take in any time zone and at your convenience! August 20, 27 & September 3, 10 Thursday evenings Each year, we begin again. We journey back to our Source, our selves, our souls. The high holy day period is one in which we turn ourselves around. We remember who we are. Each year, we have the Continue Reading
Mindfulness Shabbat: Ushering in Elul, the Jewish Month of Reflection
please join us for a morning of mindfulness and music Saturday August 15, 2015 9:30 am - 11:30 am private home in West Los Angeles, CA (address given upon registration) With Rabbi Jill Zimmerman featuring musical artist Ariel Root Wolpe Last month, we had a truly beautiful morning of peace, centering and deep discussion focused around the still small Continue Reading
Endings #BlogElul Day 24
Endings are difficult. When we were at the last retreat of our Institute for Jewish Spirituality rabbinic cohort - 2 years of study, practice, and deep friendships, Rabbi Nancy Flam taught, in the name of Rachael Kessler (z''l) to really pay attention to what we do when we are at the end of something: do we slip away quietly so we don't have to deal with Continue Reading