Jewish Meditation & Mindfulness Books (*highly recommended) *Meditation App: I use Insight Timer (available on the Itunes & Android app store.) See you there! Bloomfield, Diane. Torah Yoga: Experiencing Jewish Wisdom Through Classic Postures. Jossey-Bass, 2004. *Boorstein, Sylvia. That's Funny, You Don't Look Buddhist: On Being a Faithful Jew and a Continue Reading
Meaningful Quotes on the Sabbath on Pinterest!
Check out the timeless, poetic wisdom of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel in bite-size pieces on my Pinterest board. I've taken Heschel's "greatest hits" from his classic book, The Sabbath in the hope of inspiring us all to take time to unplug, be present, and appreciate what is. Rabbi Heschel's wisdom is timeless and poetic. He teaches that as human Continue Reading
I Fell
I fell. Really hard. Picture one of those slow motion falls. Yesterday, I was at the synagogue doing a rehearsal with a bat mitzvah student and I tumbled off the bima (platform) down a whole bunch of steps, hitting my chin on the piano pedals (I’m sure it was a completely graceful fall, aren’t you?) My shoe caught on the carpet and I tripped. Continue Reading
Returning Home: Spiritual Preparation for the High Holy Days
A 4 session “virtual” telecourse* that you can take in any time zone and at your convenience! August 20, 27 & September 3, 10 Thursday evenings Each year, we begin again. We journey back to our Source, our selves, our souls. The high holy day period is one in which we turn ourselves around. We remember who we are. Each year, we have the Continue Reading
Mindfulness Shabbat: Ushering in Elul, the Jewish Month of Reflection
please join us for a morning of mindfulness and music Saturday August 15, 2015 9:30 am - 11:30 am private home in West Los Angeles, CA (address given upon registration) With Rabbi Jill Zimmerman featuring musical artist Ariel Root Wolpe Last month, we had a truly beautiful morning of peace, centering and deep discussion focused around the still small Continue Reading