Tonight's guest post was written by Rabbi Oren Postrel, a friend and colleague. On this seventh night of Hanukkah, he talks about how we find joy in Jewish study and learning. R. Jill The Path With Heart community continues to kindle the bright flames of Hanukkah. Over the past seven nights, we have looked at Dedication/Hanukkah, Hope/Tikvah, Gratitude, Continue Reading
The Joy & Miracle of Learning: Hanukkah – Day 8
Tonight's guest post is written by Rabbi Oren Postrel, a friend and colleague. On this last night of Hanukkah, he talks about how we find joy in Jewish study and learning. R. Jill The Path With Heart community continues to kindle the bright flames of Hanukkah. Over the past seven nights, we have looked at Dedication/Hanukkah, Hope/tikvah, Gratitude, and Continue Reading
Hanukkah Night #8: What Brings You Joy?
Tonight we light the 8th candle for Hanukkah and ask the final question. Tonight, each candle is about JOY & laughter. When we collect moments of joy, we bring light into our lives. Tonight's question for journaling and discussion is: What 8 things bring you joy or laughter? Here are mine: Reading Tales of the Holy Mysticat, Jewish Wisdom Continue Reading
Hanukkah Night #6: What Helps You Stop & Rest?
Tonight we light the 6th candle of Hanukkah. And it is also Shabbat, the day of rest. We light the menorah first, and then our Shabbat candles. The question for tonight is: Can you name 6 things that help you rest or stop or take a needed breath? As my teacher Rabbi Sheila Peltz Weinberg teaches about the Sabbath - "Pausing is not an option. Pausing is Continue Reading
Chanukah Night #8: Joy
Tonight we light the 8th candle for Chanukah and ask the final question, which is about JOY & Laughter. Tonight's question is this: What 8 things bring you joy or laughter? Watching birds soaring on the shifting currents of the air. It makes me stop for a second and ponder that feeling of just letting be…I also love watching the hummingbirds and Continue Reading