(Journey of the Soul: Making the Omer Count is a project of Rabbi Jill Zimmerman and Rabbi Cindy Enger. To subscribe and receive each Omer day in your email, please click here.) DAY TWO* Welcome to the second day of the journey. We continue with this week’s kavannah (intention), which is Waking Up. Today we share a poem by David Whyte, Continue Reading
Day One: Journey of the Soul: Making the Omer Count 2019
DAY ONE* (begins Saturday evening April 20, 2019, after sundown) Welcome to the first day of the journey. This week’s kavannah (intention) at the journey's beginning is Waking Up. Every journey begins with a call: the moment when we become aware. Whether the “call” is internal or external, quiet or quite loud, there are moments in our lives when Continue Reading
The Year of New Vision (updated for 20/20)
(Note: I wrote this in January of 2018. Since we have now entered 2020 - the year of "perfect vision" - I thought it was good to re-visit. My friend and amazing poet Devon Spier and I co-wrote the poem/meditation at the end.) The Back Story At first, I thought my clouded vision meant that I needed new glasses. Or maybe my eyesight was blurred because of Continue Reading
Three Mindfulness Lessons From The Wilderness
It's usually high summer when we enter the wilderness in the Jewish calendar - by that I mean the book of B'midbar (also known as the Book of Numbers) in the Torah. It's filled with fascinating juicy stories of rebellions and challenges. It's like the adolescence of the Israelite people as we wander for 40 years. Here's an intro to the piece I published on Continue Reading
Rabbi Jill’s Meditation & Mindfulness Booklist
Jewish Meditation & Mindfulness Books (*highly recommended) *Meditation App: I use Insight Timer (available on the Itunes & Android app store.) See you there! Bloomfield, Diane. Torah Yoga: Experiencing Jewish Wisdom Through Classic Postures. Jossey-Bass, 2004. *Boorstein, Sylvia. That's Funny, You Don't Look Buddhist: On Being a Faithful Jew and a Continue Reading