We play out a sacred drama about life and death on the High Holidays. Yes, it’s about the creation of the world & apples and honey & family dinners. And it’s about so much more. There is deep wisdom in the sacred rituals we enact on these holy days. But they are often hidden. If you know where to look, and pay close attention, this wisdom can Continue Reading
all i ask
The movement at this time of year is toward wholeness. You begin to realize all the ways you are broken and estranged, and get in touch with the longing to re-connect. The deepest energy of the days leading up to the Jewish High Holy days is returning home. The month of Elul offers us the opportunity to look at the reality of our lives and in so doing, turn Continue Reading
Spiritual Preparation for the High Holy Days 2017
A 4 session “virtual” webinar* that you can participate in LIVE or listen to at your convenience! August 22, 29, September 5 & 12, 2017 4 consecutive Tuesday evenings 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Pacific time (live) Each year, we begin again. We journey back to our Source, our selves, our souls. The high holy day period is one in which we turn Continue Reading
Kavannah (Intention) For Those Not Ready To Forgive
Some hurts take time to heal. And some of us (mostly women) apologize too much and too fast – to our own detriment. This is for you. Kavannah (Intention) For Those Not Ready To Forgive The weight of this season compels us to forgive, and to open our hearts. There are many among us who have endured deep hurts, this year, and some from many years Continue Reading