Tonight we light the 7th candle of Chanukah. The question tonight is: What are 7 things for which you are grateful?
Each awareness of gratitude is a vehicle for light flowing into our lives
. Here are mine (not in order):
- The ability to learn and gain knowledge and having the good fortune to study with amazing teachers.
- Living in Southern California: where the sun shines, the air smells clean, the breeze I often feel comes from the ocean, and the light is so beautiful as it changes. Plus, there’s always something in bloom.
- My body: It works most of the time – despite the changes of age and having mild RA, I’m grateful to have this vessel.
- Poetry which takes me to another level of consciousness.
- My mom – who always believed in me, and taught me the importance of being open and honest.
- Trees – are they not simply glorious? I look at a tree and am filled with gratitude that someone long ago planted it so we can enjoy it now.
- My husband Ely who has given me kindness in marriage that I never thought possible (given my experience with my father), our son Josh who makes me laugh all the time and is creative, always getting into fascinating situations of grace, our son Ben who is helping me with my business & it’s awesome because he’s smart and knows all kinds of things I do not. (And BO of course, for whom I’m consciously grateful every day.)
What about you? I’d love to hear.
1) Honey-Bear
2) loving, supportive people in my life
3) my intellect
4) the gift of music to share
5) meaningful work I love
6) capacity for deep compassion
7) an infinite appreciation for the beauty around me