I wrote this poem, Love Fiercely, when I turned 50. I’m reminded of it today when it is clear that while much may not be in my control, how I live my life, IS. What we pay attention to matters.
Love fiercely,
Do not be afraid of giving your all,
Find friends who bring out the best in you, who make you laugh, even at yourself…
Accept your body,
Love and take care of yourself.
Create your own image of what and who is beautiful, worthy, and good enough,
Trust what you know to be true.
Leave a legacy of your best gifts – whatever they are, whoever you are,
Create your own dreams, and cling tenaciously to them.
Be the best at being yourself.
Only spend time with people who love your uniqueness, who laugh at your jokes, and who forgive your idiosyncrasies.
Protect those who are less strong, or who have little power…
Take risks, smell every flower (unless you have allergies…)
Bless the hummingbirds, notice the trees swaying in the wind, and the fragrance wafting through the air, stop running so fast…
love the process of growth and renewal.
Notice how death turns to life –
Pay attention to the voice in your heart…
Do not be afraid of failing, or looking stupid –
Ask questions,
Know that if you don’t know something, others will be happy you spoke up.
Be willing to say, I’m sorry, I was wrong, and I’ll work on it. Then do it.
Put everything you have into a partnership that grows,
Be willing to walk through the pain – not around it.
Trust yourself. Listen deeply. Live with no regrets…
Believe in grace.
Say blessings every day. Be a blessing.
Rabbi Jill
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