April 14 poem
Such anxiety
gripped in the stomach
trying to slow it down
this feeling of
how am i ever going to wrap my head around the complexity?
my brain does not compute
doesn’t work this way
is allergic
to 1B, see form 1083, except if you are an X, in which case it is form 1083C
gives me the chills: wait, which address in Utah? NO WAIT – it’s actually been changed:
it’s really in Fresno.
FRESNO? Isn’t that State of California taxes?
Yes, but not for this change of address form.
Oh I get it. Federal, state, they are all in this together.
I do not get it.
And it makes me feel stupid.
Which I hate of course.
True Confessions: All this to file extensions because my father died and we couldn’t get it together to even visit Henry who helps us….and besides (this is really the true confession)….even in years nobody dies…we most often file extensions.
Please tax season be over. So we can slip this under the rug for another 12 months.
A prayer for next year: Please dear Divine-power-that-connects-all-things, help us start in November.
Smile. Take a breath. Do some yoga. Plant some roses. Get back to center.
Jill Berkson Zimmerman
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