If you are in the path of an impending storm, or recovering from the last hurricane, or are unable to go outside because of the dust and ash from the multiple fires blazing – you know what you need to do. Step by step, you put one foot in front of the other and do the next right thing. You constantly evaluate the path forward and you keep walking because you must. Please know that you have so many people around the world pulling for you and reaching out a hand.
For those who are safe right this minute, It’s possible to feel helpless. In a world in such need of healing, what can one person do?
I truly and deeply believe in the power of intention and prayer and sending blessings. It goes without saying that you can donate money, travel to help, open your home…
Last night, as I saw the panicked posts of friends and colleagues packing up to get out of the way of the hurricane, in addition to sending blessings (see below) I decided to create a playlist on Spotify of songs of hope and healing for this moment. Because music is one of my go-to sanctuaries.
I asked people on Facebook to send me the songs that would help get them through, offer solace and encouragement and communicate that we are present.
What a lovely bunch of songs people suggested! You’ve Got A Friend, There is Hope, Reach Out I’ll Be There, Bridge Over Troubled Water…Jewish songs, showtunes, Prince, Otis Redding (Sitting on the Dock of the Bay…) Natalie Merchant, David Broza, Crosby Still Nash & Young – it’s eclectic and amazing.
I created a playlist called ‘hope & healing sept 2017” in Spotify, which you can put on your computer or on your smart phone as an app. You don’t need to join Spotify to listen. OR YOU CAN LISTEN HERE:
I’m happy to add more songs, if I can – leave them below in the comments and if they are on Spotify, I’ll add them.
Thank you to everyone who suggested music.
Here’s a prayer/blessing to send out to everyone in harm’s way. Let this be our meditation until the danger passes:
May you be safe
May you be strong
May you have courage
May you know that so many are with you in love and spirit.
Rabbi Jill
PS – if you haven’t picked up a copy of my Spiritual & Practical Checklist for the High Holy Days, you can get it here: http://www.ravjill.com/spiritual-prep-checklist/
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