When we feel burdened by the injustice in the world or the trials in our own lives, it is important to remember: we always have a choice. We may not be in control of what happens, but we are in charge of how we respond. This is where our power lies. In each moment or outrage, upset or shock, we can take a breath and ask: how can I respond in a way that is Continue Reading
Newsfeed Stress is Real. Here’s One Way To Cope
There's a level of ugliness and debasement that has entered our lives. It's more than usual. When you add that on top of whatever ELSE in your own personal life you're dealing with (personal life?) it can be overwhelming. Newsfeed stress is a real thing. You are not alone. Here's one thing to do when the muck seeps into your being: notice even a bit of joy Continue Reading
You Need An Anchor
I have a prediction. If you think the last two years have been wild, hold on to your hat. Things are about to get much more rocky. Can you feel it? Even if you wanted to shelter yourself from the upcoming hearings, investigations and reckoning with truth and justice, I predict there will be shake-ups felt in every corner of this land. In turbulent times, Continue Reading
wisdom to carry you through this year
We play out a sacred drama about life and death on the High Holidays. Yes, it’s about the creation of the world & apples and honey & family dinners. And it’s about so much more. There is deep wisdom in the sacred rituals we enact on these holy days. But they are often hidden. If you know where to look, and pay close attention, this wisdom can Continue Reading
songs of hope & healing…& blessings
If you are in the path of an impending storm, or recovering from the last hurricane, or are unable to go outside because of the dust and ash from the multiple fires blazing - you know what you need to do. Step by step, you put one foot in front of the other and do the next right thing. You constantly evaluate the path forward and you keep walking because Continue Reading