There’s a level of ugliness and debasement that has entered our lives. It’s more than usual. When you add that on top of whatever ELSE in your own personal life you’re dealing with (personal life?) it can be overwhelming. Newsfeed stress is a real thing. You are not alone.
Here’s one thing to do when the muck seeps into your being: notice even a bit of joy or beauty.
Rebbe Nachman of Bratzlov teaches that finding one bit of good is how you start to overcome both self-defeating, critical voices in one’s head, as well as general angst.
Gazing at dolphins leaping in the ocean always helps me.* I can actually feel my shoulders relax. I remember, this, too.
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Rabbi Jill
(*video from Captain Dave’s Dolphin and Whale Safari boat in Dana Point, CA – We’ve been on that boat and also saw dolphins several months ago! But not as many as these.)
Our aquatic mammal cousins do have a way about them don’t they? My boyfriend and I did a Whale Watch a couple weeks ago. No whales, but we did see dolphin – I think the same type as these.
Thank you for the reminder.
Same thing happened to us! We went whale watching for my husband’s birthday in March (with this same whale watching outfit!) and although we did get a peek at a few whales, what was most dazzling was the schools of dolphins frolicking just like this. It was so joyful – we were all filled up with delight. Thanks for sharing your experience. We NEED these moments.
Oh my goodness, this is SO COOL. I can’t even believe it. It made me smile so wide. What nice refuge from what’s going on in the world.
I know! Those dolphins were almost created for this very moment when we need to remember how much exuberance exists. Such a “YES” !
Grateful to have found you via Twitter. Reading your words makes *my* shoulders relax. 🙂
Thank you, Laura. This means so much to me. We sure do need each other to help each other remember, don’t you think? (Please let me know if I follow you back (I’d like to) and you can message me your twitter name so I know. I realize I’m one of the few people on twitter with my real live name (which is good and bad…) so I don’t always know.) Rabbi Jill
In real life, I’m Laura Courtney Headley. Hello! 🙂 On Twitter I’m Rupert Rockview.
so nice to meet you! Thank you again for writing 🙂 Have a wonderful evening.
You have a wonderful evening, too. It’s a pleasure to “meet” you, too, and to have access to your thoughtful, healing and helpful words. Many thanks for the good you’re putting into the world in these difficult times. <3
Loved the video, thank you Rabbi. I follow you on Twitter also. I am not good with technology still learning. Fd
Thank you Dora. Even THINKING about that video of frolicking dolphins makes me smile. I’m so happy you enjoyed it too.