A few days ago, I was asked by my dear friend Sarit Rogers (a talented photographer, yoga teacher and all around beautiful human being) to be a guest on a radio show. The next day. Ok, I said.
I met Sarit and family at a baby naming I was officiating (she was the photographer) and we immediately connected. Heart-wise. Sarit shared with me her vision for the LoveMore Movement that is about spreading love and compassion. She is writing a book featuring people she feels are adding love and transformation to the world. When she asked if I’d be in her book, I was SO honored. Ok, I said 🙂
The radio show, produced by Joni Yung aka The Accidental Yogist, features several people who Sarit chose to talk about their work. It was a great experience. Here’s a link to the show. Sarit is first up and I believe I come in around 16:22. I talk about why I became a rabbi, why “Jewish mindfulness.” Also on the show were Jessica Rosen of One Down Dog yoga, Joseph Rogers (co-founder of the LMM) and a Buddhist chaplain and teacher at Against the Stream and musicians Rovel, Chris Grosso (the Indie Spiritualist), and Dave Smith.
Take a listen!
You can also find it on iTunes: Yoga Chat with the Accidental Yogist, episode 203
Sarit Rogers Photography: http://www.saritphotography.com/
Yoga Chat with Joni Yung: http://ayogist.podomatic.com/
WOULD LOVE to hear your thoughts about the show! Please leave your comments below and feel free to share with friends.
I would also LOVE to do more radio interviews! Any ideas?
Rabbi Jill
May 2015
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