It’s usually high summer when we enter the wilderness in the Jewish calendar – by that I mean the book of B’midbar (also known as the Book of Numbers) in the Torah. It’s filled with fascinating juicy stories of rebellions and challenges. It’s like the adolescence of the Israelite people as we wander for 40 years. Here’s an intro to the piece I published on Medium about lessons from the wilderness:
There is the real physical wilderness which some of us visit from time to time.
And then there is the spiritual wilderness that visits us from time to time — sometimes longer than we would like.
Times of illness or transition or loss of any kind can put us into an existential desert where there is no map and no set path forward.
The only way out is through.
The lessons we learn from spending time in unknown territory are profound and life-changing.
In fact, there is wisdom that can ONLY be gleaned in the wilderness.
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