Tonight's guest post was written by Rabbi Oren Postrel, a friend and colleague. On this seventh night of Hanukkah, he talks about how we find joy in Jewish study and learning. R. Jill The Path With Heart community continues to kindle the bright flames of Hanukkah. Over the past seven nights, we have looked at Dedication/Hanukkah, Hope/Tikvah, Gratitude, Continue Reading
The Joy & Miracle of Learning: Hanukkah – Day 8
Tonight's guest post is written by Rabbi Oren Postrel, a friend and colleague. On this last night of Hanukkah, he talks about how we find joy in Jewish study and learning. R. Jill The Path With Heart community continues to kindle the bright flames of Hanukkah. Over the past seven nights, we have looked at Dedication/Hanukkah, Hope/tikvah, Gratitude, and Continue Reading
Music As Comfort In This Painful Time: Playlists
In the initial shock of the aftermath of the October 7 massacres in Israel, and every day since people say to me: "I have no words." Whether they are speaking about the hostages, the slaughters, or the photos of young soldiers dying in Israel, or the children and innocents in Gaza who sit among the ruins - we have entered a time of profound sadness. For Continue Reading
The Call That is Answered by Presence
Our foundational narrative of moving from slavery to freedom begins with waking up and becoming present. In this week’s Torah portion, Moses tends his sheep in the wilderness, and he notices a bush that is on fire but not being consumed. The beginning of our liberation always starts with waking up. This week's Torah portion - Shemot - prefaces our Continue Reading
Healing: Seeking Wholeness For Soul & Body *Begins This Week!
It has been a year since we have been on lockdown and our lives disrupted. My husband and I received our second covid vaccine late last week, and in addition to the huge hope it instilled in me, it also allowed me to feel the weight of the last year. It is funny how that works. Sometimes, when there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you can unclench your Continue Reading